
Home Dakhla

Dakhla Travel Guide

Dakhla is a small city in southern Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean with white sand dunes. If you are interested in water holidays and you love sailing and boating activities Dakhla is the perfect choice for your holiday.
The Atlantic coast of Morocco is windy especially in Dakhla hence why Dakhla is recommended for wind sports (kite surfing/windsurfing).

Getting there

By Plane

It is best to reach Dakhla via the airport as the road is long and tiring. The first leg of the flight will generally be to Casablanca as most international carriers fly there. From there you will fly on to Dakhla which is served by RAM (Royal Air Maroc). The 3 kilometre long runway can accommodate a Boeing 737 or smaller aircraft.

By Train

There is no train station in the city.

By Bus

CTM or Supratour offer buses to Dakhla and it is advisable to book tickets advance. The trip is long and takes between 19 to 20 hours.

Note : From Tan Tan there are many police controls points so take photocopies of your passport with you in case required.

Where to Stay in Dakhla



Dakhla was occupied by Spain from the late 19th century until 1975, when it returned under Moroccan control after the Green March.

Dakhla Kitesurf - Windsurf

Dakhla is well known for being a great spot for kitesurfing, windsurfing and surf casting With over 300 days of wind every year, this is THE place to be for kiters and windsurfers.

Desert Excursions

Dakhla offers plenty of no wind alternatives, Go and check out the beautiful white dunes of the Moroccan Sahara. The Sahara is the world's largest hot desert and one of the best places on earth for a view of the night sky.


Dakhla Peninsula is one of the most important wintering grounds for birds especially waders. You can see many other birds such as the Greater Flamingo, Pelican, great cormorant and lire.

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Morocco Map Dakhla Coordinates: 23° 43′ 00″ N, 15° 57′ 00″ W
Name in English Dakhla
Name in Arabic AdDakhla
Region Ed Dakhla - Oued Dahab
Population 70 482
Zip Code 73 000
  • Dakhla weather
  • Monday 13:00
  • Light rain
  • light rain 17ºC | 63°F

