What is the current local time now in Morocco?
Current local time in Morocco, it is the same time in all Moroccan cities (Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Agadir and Fes).

Time right now - Rabat Morocco
Morocco is following GMT+1 right now!
When Morocco change the time GMT and GMT+1
In recent years before the start of Ramadan Morocco changes to standard time GMT. At the end of the month of Ramadan the country changes back to GMT+1.
Moroccco switched to GMT+0 From Sunday 27th Mars 2022 this change will be valid until the 8th May 2022 when Morocco will switch again to GMT+1
Since 2018, the legal time in force in Morocco is GMT+1, Ramadan in 2022 will start most likely from 2nd April to 2nd of May
It is important to check Morocco's time changes before your flight to or from Morocco.
We will keep this page updated since Morocco may change the official time several times each year.
Why does Morocco change the official time so often?

Morocco imports 94% of its energy requirements. As such the country adopted energy saving measures; changing the time during summer which saves the equivalent of the cost of building a power-plant capable of providing electricity to the whole of the Moroccan capital alone.
The reason for the time change during the month of Ramadan is for making it more easier fasting specially that Ramadan is corresponding to summer during last years.
24-hour clock
In Morocco, the use of the 24-hour clock is very common, However in the Moroccan Language Darija, Moroccans use the 12-hour clock.
In Darija if you want to say 9:00 a.m. you will say 'tesoud d sbah' 'tesoud' means 9, 'd' means 'of' and 'sbah' means morning.
If you want to say 8:00 p.m. it becomes 'tmnia d lil' : 'tmnia' is eight, 'd' means 'of' while 'lil' means evening.
International telephone dialling code
If you want to call someone in Morocco you need to use the dialling code +212 (e.g. to call 0537 75 00 01 you need to dial - 00212 537 75 00 01 or +212 537 75 00 01)